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michael johns bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "michael johns"
  • In a coincidental connection, Michael Johns (an American Idol season 7 finalist) performed weekly at Fado, under his real name Michael Lee.
    Tanpa disengaja, Michael Johns (seorang finalis American Idol musim 7) tampil setiap minggu di Fado, menggunakan nama aslinya Michael Lee.
  • Several of these, such as Neil Smith, Richard Walker, Erik Swyngedouw, Michael Johns, Maarten Hajer, Patrick Bond, Melissa Wright, and Greg Ruiters now hold or held important academic positions themselves.
    Ia telah membawahi banyak Mahasiswa PhD, beberapa diantaranya adalah Neil Smith, Richard Walker, Erik Swyngedouw, Michael Johns, Maarten Hajer, Patrick Bond, Melissa Wright, dan Greg Ruiters yang kini memegang posisi akademik yang penting.